Ingredients:(Serves 2)
2 Eggs (beat them in advance)
Japanese soup stock (called "Dashi" I often use this because it fixes taste.)
Chicken (Cut them into mouthful size)
2 Onions (Cut them into slice)
(Sugar----if you like sweetened one, it's better to put some)
*Magical sauce* (In the middle of picture above.)
a sauce in witch to dip soba! (It's called "Soba-Tsuyu" in Japanese. This sauce is including soy sauce, a little bit sugar and things I need to cook Japanese dish so I like it! I often use this when I cook food boiled and seasoned. )
How to cook?
1st step: put a little oil and saute until brown.
2nd step: Add onions and heat them like this.
3rd step: Add a teaspoonful Japanese soup stock and mix them.
(When I was cooking this, I'm not sure why, but I was carried away by a sudden impulse and added a Peanut butter instead of sugar... haha The peanut butter is made in Japan and it's quite sweet and no chunk. It's not like Skippy)
4th step: Add magical sauce and simmer for a while.
5th step: Turn the gas a little bit down and add beated eggs and simmer for seconds.
(When you put eggs, try to put them slowly and like draw a circle. @@@@@)
Put what you cooked onto white rice and let's say "Readyyyyyyy!!!"
I learned this recipe from my mother. She is quite smart and know how she can cook dishes easily and quickly. I am now training myself to be a good someone's wife and a mother like her.